Zoom Clips – Zoom Guided Tour

Zoom Clips

Leverage the power of video without a live meeting

Welcome to Zoom Clips


Welcome to Zoom Clips, an asynchronous video messaging tool that allows you to easily record, edit, and share short-form videos. You can record a clip from your Mac menu bar or Windows system tray, from the Zoom web portal, or from the Zoom desktop client.

Pro tip

Add a tag to your clip for easier search and discovery!

Flexible recording options


You can choose to record yourself, your screen, or both. You can also control advanced settings like Virtual Backgrounds and noise suppression. Once your preferences are set, go ahead and start recording.

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Cut back on ambiguous communication by getting your clip just right


While filming, you can pause, mute, or delete your clip at any time. When you’ve finished recording, hit finish. Once your clip is ready, add polish by trimming it to your preferred length. Change the video title, description and tags for future discoverability

Featured products

Share your clip and respond to comments


Share your clip via an email or a shareable link. Keep track of your clip’s success with dynamic statistics and respond to comments directly on the clip.